California Quail - Photos

 A Pair of callipepla californica (California Quail) 

 California quail at Point Reyes National Seashore 

Californian quail chick (Callipepla californica)  

Pair of California Quails (Callipepla californica) 

The California QuailCallipepla californica, also known as the California Valley Quail or Valley Quail, is a small ground-dwelling bird in the New World quail family. It is the state bird of California. 

At American Bird Guide, we are inordinately proud of our state bird - the California Quail. The Quail's sociable and complex family system makes an unsurpassable bird watching subject. In our rural location, we are fortunate enough to have numerous large coveys of Quails to observe and have become very familar with their habits. They are, however, very shy, and the experienced birder watches from a safe distance. Bird watching binoculars can be helpful. 

The California Quail is a highly sociable bird and one of the daily communal activities is the taking of dust baths. A family of quail will select an area where the ground has been newly turned or is soft, and using their underbellies, will burrow downward into the soil some 1-2 inches. They then wriggle about in the indentations they have created, flapping their wings and ruffling their feathers, causing dust to rise in the air. They seem to prefer sunny places in which to create these dust baths, and an ornithologist is able to detect the presence of quail in an area by spotting the circular indentations left behind in the soft dirt, some 3-6" in diameter.
One of the male Quails is designated as the family guard. He perches atop a fence post, tree branch, or even a telephone pole to keep a close watch on his clan, emitting a variety of calls to inform them of approaching dangers, or to keep in verbal contact with other Quails. Quails are members of the pheasant family.
We have noted that male quails are also often designated baby sitters, and several 'uncles' may be seen guarding baby quails on their walks. Baby Quails are able to fly just a few days after hatching, and this is vital. Because the California Quail is not the best flier - but rather spends much of its time on the ground, it is essential that it be able to fly up quickly away from danger.
These clever, sensitive and beautiful birds are excellent spouses and parents. We would like to add that we at American Bird Guide deplore the practice of viewing Quails as a food source. They belong in the wild, living in their productive family groups. Quail ornaments, quail flags, quail stamps, plush quails, and quail gifts all celebrate the special charm of this beloved bird. Your local wild bird supply store should be able to offer you quail seed, as well.

bird wathicg tips

Followings are the few points that I found that are essential for bird watching to make it more enjoyable & memorable.

Good Quality Binocular.
It is a very rare scenario that you will get a closer look at the birds when you are in the jungle. But I had one such lucky opportunity during my entire trek. So carry a binocular with you for a real closer look at the birds or other jungle animals or flowers. 

DSLR Camera.
If you want to bring back a good memory of all the floras & faunas that you have seen, this is another one must have item. Please carry with you at least one Tele-Zoom & Macro Zoom lens with you in your digital camera kit. Make use of the sunlight available for getting better shots while zooming for long distance object.

Bird’s Guide
There is a book published by local wildlife department and it has good information about different types of birds that can be found in the Fraser’s Hill area & their habitats. On my last day of the trip, I happened to meet the local wild life department officer Mr. Durai, who has contributed his part to this book & information board. He is also interested to share his experience of wildlife with the visitors arriving there.

Bird’s Call Audio
Person like Mr. Durai has the unique quality of spotting the bird and its name just the sound that they make. You can also search on the net to understand various sounds and matching bird’s call in audio format. You can use it to play in a portable speaker connected to your mp3 players based on the birds nearby you. This will help the bird to stay longer in the branch with echoing voice as it feels that their crowd is present there by the call.

Laser Pointer 
This is very useful in case you are going as a group to notify the birds sitting position to others. But please point the laser light to the branches nearby the bird so that the birds are not disturbed.

Know The Feeding Timings Of Birds:

I learned from Mr. Durai that birds visit usual area (trees in routes accessible by us) only during their feeding timings. If we don’t know this fact it is not worth waiting under the tree to see the birds on branches. And the birds feeding timings are morning 8AM till 12 noon. Afternoon 2PM till evening 7pm. Owl does its feeding during night time.

This is what I have learned during my trip about points to be certainly take note/prepared of for any bird watching activity. If you know anything more, please feel free to comment. 

Hummingbird Feet

Amazing Fact: Hummingbirds don’t walk

There is a popular misconception that hummingbirds don’t 
have feet. It is, of course, wrong. But while they do have feet, they don’t use them to walk because they are so poorly developed; this is due to the fact that they spend most of their time in flight and seldom need to walk. Hummingbirds also have an incredibly fast metabolism which means they are always just a few hours away from starvation.

American Bird Watching Tips

Every day is a bird viewing vacation if you use your sight.

At United declares Chicken Information, nothing is more fulfilling to us than assisting someone to first drop madly in really like with wildlife. It may be a child or a on person - the joy of bird viewing is the same. Perhaps the expertise most necessary in the activity of bird viewing is the capability to be tranquil. For most People in america, lifestyle is complete of man-made sounds; visitors, systems, tv, other mankind. Pets starts when you understand to take your concentrate off these disruptions or you go anywhere where these disruptions aren't provide, such as a recreation area.

To our way of considering, the substantial technique for cats is to simply sit down anywhere, make yourself relaxed, and then be as still and tranquil as possible. A apparently clear surroundings gradually comes to lifestyle around you. The more time you sit, the more conscious you become of all of the wildlife who are giving your area. Shy wildlife such as the Florida Quail, the Rufous-sided Towhee, or the European Bluebird may come out of their covering locations once they feeling that the disturbance of moving people has ceased. Seated long enough in one place may deal with the individual bird viewer to the spectacular vision of a hawk or kestrel leaping expense. Your sight may choose out nesting couples of wildlife regularly alighting in a certain identify, thereby telling you of their nesting site. You will want to keep your bird viewing field glasses available for such times.

Often times, however, bird sightings happen at unlikely times when you aren't even making the effort to sit down silently. At United declares Chicken Information, the windows in our developing provide as our 24 time statement outdoor terrace on the bird community. The the apple company shrub performs coordinator to Clean Jays and House Finches. Wide flocks of United declares Goldfinches gild the terrace. Hummingbirds pizazz through the butterfly shrub trees. And Quails, Sparrows, and Chickadees quit by every day. Whether you're doing recipes at the cooking area screen or looking up from a publication in the existing room area, you never know who may fly by.

The really like of bird viewing may begin with your first look of an interesting bird like the Ruby-Crowned Kinglet and then mature eventually so that you can think of no vacation more alluring than a bird viewing vacation in another aspect of your condition or another aspect of the nation. We recommend all dedicated bird viewers to keep a bird viewing log where they can history their sightings, and a bird viewing trip is the possibility of a life-time to add new types to your list! At the moment, many People in america are visiting the Big Timber of Illinois in desires of distinguishing the lately re-discovered Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Many declares and nations all over the community provide interesting bird viewing holidays.

Fortunately for those cheaply, or in less than the best of health, your own bird viewing vacation can be no more complex than looking out a screen, getting into the lawn, or jogging through your community recreation area.
Source : 

American Bird Watching Enthusiasts and Birding Beginners

When the love of back garden outrageous birds and wildlife first flutters into your center, a whole new community reveals. Instantly, you understand that the outrageous birds have always been there but perhaps you never stopped to see or enjoy them. The fact that bird viewing is one of the most popular interests experienced by People in World and people all over the community informs us that it truly improves individuals life.

Happily, cats doesn't have to be an expensive leisure activity. Just maintaining your sight start on a move around the prevent can expose that many types of outrageous birds call your community home. An affordable birdfeeder put in a shrub can bring finches, chickadees, or sparrows right to your home. You can even develop your own birdfeeder out of components you probably have around the house. Our bird information will help you to recognize bird guests if you are new to birding.

Apart from this, several fantastic courses are available in book. An crucial thing to understand when selecting a bird information is that they are often divided up by location (western bird information, southern bird guide). Our period of time preferred has always been the Audubon Community Area Secrets and techniques for Northern United states Birds. Clear images and thorough information make this bird recognition information a good primary for bird watchers.


Keep it easy -

Don’t overburden your capability to understand and appreciate. Study the typical kinds until you are acquainted with them well enough to type out the more uncommon kinds you discovered. Learn bird songs and become acquainted with dimension, appearance, and journey styles of the more frequently experienced kinds. This way, you can type through a large flock and choose out different kinds.

Get out beginning and often – 

Most bird kinds are more dynamic in the early early morning. Regional plumber to discover wildlife is when they are feeding after a lengthy evening's quick. Songbirds are often more dynamic and will sing more often in the day, thus creating them simpler to locate and recognize. Many wildlife will take a noon “siesta,” especially during the hotter several weeks. The next best periods are evening time hours when wildlife are “fueling-up” for the evening. But any moment is a excellent time if you are out there looking and hearing.

Listen carefully! – 

Many wildlife will be observed before they can be seen. Each kinds has its own unique tune. Understanding the music will help you to find and recognize them. Listening will also help you to discover more species. In addition, there's an included satisfaction in knowing a acquainted spring song after a lengthy winter weather. Try to understand some new bird music each spring!

Binoculars are almost important to bird watching –

Many a young country boy or lady got to know many wildlife by nearing them carefully and following them without the aid of elegant area glasses, but most wildlife are careful and will allow only so much attack into their space. If they become frightened, they will basically fly away or duck down into the plants. Binoculars help you get a excellent look at birds without ending in on them, keeping you a lot of persistence.

A excellent bird recognition area information is value its bodyweight in gold down – 

The starter will do well to acquire an area area information,
rather than a nationwide or continent-wide tome. The bigger guides
will have many kinds that look a lot like the local wildlife but may be found only in the distant sides of the nation. No feeling cluttering your thoughts with unlikely look-alikes. Preserve them for upcoming missions.